Fake Folk that are stealing your country

Friday, December 16, 2005

Onan The Barbarian

Dateline Corregidor: "Hello Michelle, it's Bill."

"Oh my... well, hello Bill, what a pleasant surprise."

"You know Michelle, the liberal media likes to do a dance around your phenomenal success at penetrating the liberal wall around the gay agenda. But here at the Factor we know you to be an outstanding patriot and a stand-up gal; ready to tell it like it is. And now here's the point: you and I share the same... the same... a prayer for America that I too really really want to share too. Really really... want to share it all... while you share... the antagonistic... antagonisms with liberals. With their rock solid attacks... their repeated, repeatedly attacking... I'm reaching the point when... where the words won't stop coming to me...

...clack !...

Keith Overdriver on MSNBC calls him the "Big Head". Probably a few street urchins call him daddy, and an unknown number call him at their own risk. But why is he so popular? Please. Let's not pretend it's an actual mystery - like the number of bottles of French wine he keeps in that cellar of his. Or where on the map he actually grew up.

He is popular because he attacks the enemies of all those who are perennially frightened, or have insecure sexuality issues, or small genitalia, or otherwise posses meager quantities of humanity, wisdom, courage and resolve.

Ironic, no? The ones you would expect to be toughies are merely presenting a patina of violence upon a thin skin of fear. When O'Reilly yells "shut up!!", he's pathetically imploring "don't make me make you hit me!!"

Crush that dwarf ! ...and use my pliers !

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Bill O'Reilly !

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Great Whites

Lucianne Goldberg was in Flames...

...and yet, she was not in the slightest way hot. Except of course her face, which was red and blistering from staring into the flames. Her son was begging her for another enema, yet she continued staring, as if going for a record; leaving the little dirtbag to slither off into the darkness looking for flesh.

In peacetime, the Goldbergs are noisy cankers swimming up the gutters of New York, looking for drinks. In crises times - created by them or not, they both display hard-ons and sound like official toughies. In either scenario, both mom and the issue of her loins enjoy helping uber-righties slurp up the semantic swill dripping from the insane posters that cozey up to Lucianne's message board like the pools of small fish that converge at the anus of a whale.

And that's why she named him Jonah.

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Lucianne and Jonah Goldberg !

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ann Coulter leads the way

Ann Coulter is the Republicans' only surviving female prick

"To The People Of Islam:

Just think: If we'd invaded your countries, killed your leaders and converted you to Christianity YOU'D ALL BE OPENING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RIGHT ABOUT NOW! Merry Christmas "


"In contemplating college liberals, you really regret, once again, that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals by making them realize that they could be killed, too. Otherwise they will turn out into outright traitors." - Coulter at CPAC conference, 2002


"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." August 21, 2002

...and the classic underpinning to her idiocy...

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'" June 20, 2001

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Ann Coulter !

Our First Same-Sex Piltdown Couple

"Furious Masturbator Seeks A Creamy Nugent Filling" - SenatorCraigsList, April, 2005

Michael Schwartz, the chief of staff of Oklahoma's GOP Senator Tom Coburn, was quoted by a reporter as saying, “I'm a radical! I'm a real extremist. I don't want to impeach judges. I want to impale them!"

This elicited a premature invocation from Ted Nugent, "Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause.

"To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em."

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Michael Schwartz and Ted Nugent !

Monday, April 11, 2005

A Malkin is what you use to wipe your Coulter

Michelle Malkin keeps an issue moist and personal, licking at it until she finds the wound. In this she is a robotic master.

"Adultery. Alcoholism. Prostitutes. Group sex. Blecchh. Aging hippies never learn. As college students, they had no appreciation of the value of self-restraint. Decades later as senior citizens (Jane Fonda is a 67-year-old woman prattling on, Howard Stern-style, about threesomes, for heaven's sake), they still have no appreciation of the value of discretion."

from another viewpoint:

"The rest of her new visitors will find in Malkin's columns a gleeful sort of pleasure in seeing their distate for liberal weenies and pushy minorities articulated by a hot little Asian woman full of bitchy putdowns worth repeating over beers. They may well find strength in seeing the principles of their eroding way of life being shored up by a woman who looks like the enemy. Some may accuse Malkin of dispensing phony outrage, but her core audience will find it all the more gratifying that an Asian woman has found them worth catering to at a time when they've been pushed to the margins of society by members of their own race.

'Malkin is a true Cundit', observed one anonymous poster. 'A highly paid media ho getting richer by throwing red meat to the loons.' "

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Michelle Malkin !

Friday, April 08, 2005

Junk Man

The body floating almost motionless in the greenish end of the pool is your child, brought to this condition under the leadership of tit-men like Steven Milloy

"Duke calls it a 'carbon tax', but we might call it the 'Greenpeace tax' in honor of the various radical environmental groups, like Greenpeace (search), pushing global warming hysteria and supporting such a tax. But we could also call it the 'corporate appeasement tax' in honor of businesses like Duke Energy that are stumbling over themselves to curry favor with the Greens."

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Steven Milloy !

Monday, March 28, 2005

Third On A Match Made In Heaven

"Well, look, I don't have a degree in being a police chief. But I can tell you this much: This is not cold feet, all right?" Grace said on April 28, less than 24 hours before the bride-to-be proved her wrong. "This is not cold feet. I know that much."

She is a disgrace. A know-it-all know-nothing.

Nancy Grace, along with bile-queen Ann Coulter and Barbara "Blinkin' Babs" Olsen, was one of the Three Disgraces that appeared often on CNN pre 911. She was the third on a match made in heaven; her tortured grimaces driving me nuts as she whined her way through the predictable anti-Clinton screed. And that was actually when we finally, and stupidly broke the bottle and let the scorpions run off and into - well, everything. "Thanks for always believing in me, friend", she might suddenly bleat, based on nothing.

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Nancy Grace !

Bile in a Suit

As part of a campaign to promote an "Academic Bill of Rights" on college and university campuses, conservative pundit David Horowitz has repeatedly cited an incident in which he claims that a criminology professor at the University of Northern Colorado asked students to explain "why President Bush was a war criminal" for a mid-term exam essay, then failed a student who chose instead to explain why Saddam Hussein is a war criminal. Horowitz claimed that this student testified about her experience at a special hearing before the Colorado state legislature in December 2003. But Horowitz has never provided the names of the professor or the student, and transcripts of the hearing to which Horowitz himself linked do not mention the incident. Nonetheless, accounts of the alleged incident have been repeated in several national media outlets.

Piltdown Patriots welcomes David Horowitz !

Monday, March 07, 2005

He Works for God; Gets a Paycheck Too

Now really, would you work for a guy who said he was the Messiah and got himself crowned in the Capitol building in Washington D.C.? Well?

Well, it doesn't matter what you think anyway because it's a done deal. There is a slimebag of epic self-loathing that has chosen to skip-waddle through life with just these attributes.

And former child Anthony Blankley - now Tony, Washington Times Editorial Page Editor, is just this kind of bag.

I especially like Tony Blankley's embracing of the "fried" juvenile.

His tenure as a prosecutor must have been a deusy of a schmuckfest, since he rejects the 6th commandment's instruction to honorable men to not kill captured prisoners. But it's his insight that "kill" does not include "fry" that is the truly stunning and inspired breakthrough that he brings to both religion and the law.

I will do my part to help make all of this a part of Tony Blankley's legacy. And, as you know, God will be certain to reward Mr. Blankley's soul for its sincere devotion to his messiah, the maniac Reverend Moon.

At least we now know that - like Soylent Green, Freedom Fries are made of People.

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Tony Blankley !
