Fake Folk that are stealing your country

Monday, June 26, 2006

King Catheter

He Wants To See Your Private Life On A Gurney: "King, R-N.Y., said he would write Attorney General Alberto Gonzales urging that the nation's chief law enforcer 'begin an investigation and prosecution of The New York Times - the reporters, the editors and the publisher. ''We're at war, and for the Times to release information about secret operations and methods is treasonous,' King told The Associated Press. A message left Sunday with Times spokeswoman Catherine Mathis was not immediately returned. King's action was not endorsed by the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania."

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Peter King !

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Ejaculating Impeacher

Henry Hyde, who ejaculated over and over again in one of his constituents - over a long period of time, ruined the marriage of this woman and devastated the life of her husband.

Mr. Hyde suggests that this was in his "youth", although he was in his forties and an elected government official.

Mr. Hyde, who keeps his government job despite the vast ethical breach, went on to manage the Republican's effort in the House of Representatives's impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton.

His explanations as to the difference between his act of repeatedly shooting his semen into another man's wife, and President Clinton's having an affair with a single woman, are the stuff of a historian's dream. In the standard historical texts of the future, Mr. Hyde will have been carefully stripped of his elevated status and his rabid supporters and will appear as the disgrace that he is.

If it is ever the right thing to do to spit in the face of a man, it is this man.

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Henry Hyde !

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Phill Kline, Person of Interest

Phill Kline: "A federal trial opened here Monday over whether a Kansas law prohibiting virtually all sexual activity by people under age 16 means health care professionals and educators must report such behavior to state authorities, which some say would stop many teenagers from seeking contraception or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases."

Mr. Kline, elected in 2002, also serves as chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association and has fought against abortion throughout his career. He filed a lawsuit, recently dismissed, to challenge the state's use of Medicaid funds for abortions, and he submitted a brief in a federal case arguing that Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

Mr. Kline said last year that prosecuting rapists was his goal in seeking access to the medical files of women and girls who had had late-term abortions, which led to a separate lawsuit awaiting a decision by the State Supreme Court.

Last year, Mr. Kline successfully lobbied the Legislature to require that abortion providers collect fetal tissue from patients younger than 14 and turn it over to law enforcement.

In the upside-down world of the truly depraved rightie, a 12 year-old can be tried as an adult in a murder case, but cannot give informed consent for sexual contact. Phill Kline is one of the conservative perverts wearing ties in civic buildings throughout America. He and those of his ilk believe God is in error with creation. Phill Kline is evil under his own definition.

Piltdown Patriots welcomes Phill Kline !